guidelines for participation by Pauline Oliveros
with movement suggestions by Heloise Gold and Julie Lyon Rose
and costume advice by Linda Montano
Each person or group in the cast is responsible for her/his own character, role and activity in the opera. Though everyone is free to perform in her/his own manner - it is essential that all performers maintain a listening presence throughout the opera. Listening and maintaining your character at all times is the key to the performance of Lunar Opera: Deep Listening For_Tunes. Engagement or interaction with other performers and/or the audience means listening at all times to everything that is going on around and about you as well as listening to your own role. Everyone will gather at the Fountain and participate in the opening procession at 2pm to the City of Blessings (upper plaza) for the Invocation of the Forces of Goodness by the Drepung Loseling Monks and the forecast by Old Woman Whose Name is Never Spoken. After the forecast the Accordion Fan Walkers organized by Heloise Gold lead the visitors pilgrimage through Invisible City to City of Sacred Fire for the first highlighted performance. See the flow map for locations, linked photos of the sites and the schedule of activities in each City. If you are involved in a specific activity in one of the Cities of Lunarus you make your way to your city after the Invocation and forecast. Ione and the choreographers will direct your movements, method and path. Heloise Gold and Julie Rose Lyon will provide guidance for non-ordinary movement around and between cities. Activities in your City are specifically highlighted for half an hour in the schedule for the audience. Cities are to be more or less active at all times throughout the performance. Cues: All Lunarus characters (Archetypal Beings, Moonstrels, etc. other than bands) decide individually and privately on a cue for action and a cue for inaction. When an action cue is perceived the character improvises his/her role. When an inaction cue is perceived the character freezes (like a statue) until an action cue is perceived again. Where appropriate an action could be interpretted as an entrance and inaction as an exit. It is essential to the score that all characters commit to cues of their own choice. Listening, looking for or sensing cues guarantees a particular kind of performance presence for Lunar Opera. A cue could be something obvious like a car horn or something more subtle like a particular color worn by a visitor, hearing a voice quality, sensing a certain kind of movement, etc. Cues are to be selected thoughtfully for pacing of the character's role. Make the right choice of cues and commit to them! If you are an Archetypal Being or Moonstrel unassigned to a specific City you may wander through Lunarus countryside in and out of cities relating in the role that you have created for yourself performing according to your selected cues. (See movement score below) At 6pm all performers and musicians travel to Luna City, Lunarus, for the final city performance activities. All will improvise together according to the score guidelines given above and the movement score. At the conclusion all characters and musicians proceed to reserved chairs and become part of the audience for the Deep Listening Band Concert and Drepung Loseling Monks performance in the Band Shell.
For the procession all performers will receive and wear a silver wig, dark glasses and a Lunar Opera T Shirt. Each performer will be wearing white or light colored bottoms (long pants or skirt) with her/his T Shirt. After the procession each person may don a costume appropriate for her/his character or role or continue to wear the silver wig, sunglasses and T shirt.
*Extraordinary Ways of Moving and Being Still; ways to transport ourselves from one place to another-to be called upon as often as needed or is possible
*Please choose TWO of these that interest you, be clear on what they are, and use them to aid you and guide you throughout the piece
*NOTE-some of these are internal focuses, using the mind to heighten our body consciousness; others are more physically oriented. You may want to choose one of each of these for a full experience-but most importantly choose what interests you and what will enhance your role or roles in the
Opera From Heloise Gold
1- Wiggle and find new ways of wiggling
2- Walk backwards and imagine that the back of your body has the same
degree of awareness as the front of your body
3- Walk and vary the height of your body so that sometimes you are very
short and sometimes you are very tall and sometimes in-between
4- Imagine every pore all over your body inhaling and exhaling
5- Imagine that the energy from your body extends out 10 feet into space in
every direction
6- Use jumping to transport yourself to your next destination and play with
variation of speed and execution
7- Notice someone many feet away from you and mimic their movements as
closely as you can
8- Move your whole body as if it is honey being poured
9- Imagine all of your organs smiling From Julie Rose Lyon
10- Alternate between being visible and invisible.. When you are visible,
be phosphorescent and let yourself leave a glowing trail on the air as you
move.Or, you can make only part of yourself visible and
phosphorescent; a hand, your feet, your belly, etc.
11- Feel each move you make, even breathing, create waves of motion which
ripple endlessly outwards. Alternately, allow yourself to be moved by
incoming waves.
12- Make a sound as you take every fourth step. You can decide on your own
step/sound interval and change the interval when you need to.
13- Feel elastic, moveable roots extending from your tailbone to the center
point of the earth and meeting there all the feet and tailbones around you,
even around the globe.
Ministry of Maåt
PoP&MoM (Pauline Oliveros Publications & Ministry of Maåt Publications)
Poster (Pauline in Moon) by Seana Biondolillo
Web page by Norman Lowrey
© Copyright 2000 Deep Listening Publications
Ministry of Maåt
PoP&MoM (Pauline Oliveros Publications & Ministry of Maåt Publications)
Poster (Pauline in Moon) by Seana Biondolillo
Web page by Norman Lowrey
© Copyright 2000 Deep Listening Publications